Saturday, January 30, 2010

if i can't move to california, the uk would do.

My nights with American television are few and far between, especially now that we've found a great source for more British imports (you do what you can, BBC America and I love you for it). Matt and I are currently catching up on a Heroes-ish show called The Misfits.

It's fun and I already love the Irish kid and the creeper who looks like the singer from Joy Division*. Funny thing is, I've never actually watched Heroes. I missed that train when it started and I don't like jumping into the middle of something like that. Sure, the seasons are all on Netflix, so I don't have much of an excuse —one day, I suppose, one day.

Anyway, the opening credits for Misfits is pretty sweet.

*He also played Moritz in the London production of Spring Awakening. Everything's connected.

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