Tuesday, October 27, 2009

imitation is the highest form of flattery?

Anna and I went on shenanigans tonight. Most of the trip was spent collecting the remaining bits and pieces for her Dalek dress and one or two things for my Sookie outfit. While wandering around JoAnn's in Henrietta, I came across these little gems in the framing section:

Super Weak, by none other than the infamous Nick James.

And who doesn't remember that toe-tappin' tune, You Are My Moonshine, by Jay Charles.

Turn it up to 11 for Diana Boss' big hit, Ain't No Fountain High Enough.

They're so bad, I kind of wanted them. However, I think I might just cut some holes in real 45s and make some neato mirrors for the house. It makes me wish I had kept some of the ones from the wedding centerpieces. Oh well, to the Bop Shop.


Matthew said...

Thank GOODNESS you got a photo of those! I was at JoAnn on Monday and my cell just couldn't handle 'em.


kara said...

Aren't they? I was like..."Those are neat... HEY, WAIT A MINUTE.."

Joelle said...

this is simply amazing!

I always thought I'd never find a fountain high enough to keep me from you, but never knew there was a song already written.