Wednesday, March 4, 2009

cute overload at home.

We have foofy, long-haired dogs because of Matt's allergies.

I grew up with rough-and-tumble labs and dals and he grew up in a dog-less house. Now we have two dogs, Maggie (who we adopted from Lollypop as an adult) and Clark (who we got from a breeder as a puppy). Matt claims that Maggie is his favorite, because he saw her first -- but now that Clark's settling down out of crazy.. well.. puppy-ness; they're finding more in common with each other.

Clark adores Matt. He'll sneak attack him in the morning by creeping up to wake him up by licking his face, loses his damn mind when Matt gets home and then there are moments like this where I'm glad to have any kind of picture-taking device nearby.

They're just two guys chilling out for an evening at home.

Also, please note the amazing combination of the Black Cross shirt with polar bear PJ pants. Someone is totally punk rock right now.

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