Sunday, January 25, 2009

writer's block prompt ( borrowed from lj )

Even if you're not actively eavesdropping, you can hear some interesting things. What's the best conversation you've ever overheard?

There's a tie and Anna was involved with both.

There was the infamous overheard Target conversation that I think will be quoted forever. We were wandering around the toy/seasonal department as a mother and her tweenage brood passed. I don't know if it counts as overhearing someone when they're shouting at their children but needless to say, we heard her loud and clear.

"Can we get batteries? I need some batteries."

"No! We're not getting batteries today!"

"Oh, what about sunscreen? I need sunscreen, Mom"

"No!! We have sunscreen at home!"

The next awesome conversation I overheard was between two kids, maybe somewhere between the ages of 8-11. They were ahead of Anna and I while we were in line to return something at WalMart. The older kid turns to the younger and...

"What's the most money you've ever found?"

"Like on the ground or in a bush?"

"On the ground.. or in a bush."

"Like... four dollars."

"I found twenty dollars in a bush."

"Really? Wow.."

First off, older kid is totally lying. He asked first so that he could boast a larger amount than the younger kid. Secondly, I love the categories. Money found on the ground.. money found in a bush.

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